Founded in June 2017, 1Ci has a mission to bring that technological expertise to the global market, expand the partner ecosystem, and facilitate digital transformation in businesses of all sizes.
Core Technology
Underlying 1Ci solutions is a comprehensive 1C:Enterprise platform that includes a set of technologies and development tools for digitizing business processes.
5 mln+ Users
Global Solutions
1C:Enterprise application platform is deployed in 95 countries in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and both Americas.
1.5 mln+
companies use 1C:Enterprise platform
5 mln+
users rely on 1C:Enterprise applications in their everyday work
partners deployed solutions based on 1C:Enterprise
certified solutions built on 1C:Enterprise application development platform
successful automation projects
localized languages
Our products powered by cutting-edge 1C:Enterprise technologies
1Ci products empower businesses across various industries
Global Partner Ecosystem
Along with the technological advances, the partner ecosystem is one of our most valuable assets. For over 25 years of evolution of the 1C:Enterprise platform, our partners have deployed thousands of vertical solutions, helping companies navigate the digital transformation journey and achieve greater results.

1Ci Team
In the core of 1Ci is a strong team of successful IT entrepreneurs, technology geeks, and savvy enthusiasts with a great passion to create a better future all around the world.

Local Contacts
Latin America
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