Automation of business processes
Prior to the start of the project, financial accounting, inventory accounting and personnel accounting of the company were performed using several separate systems and programs. While the managerial accounting, vehicle accounting, the process of centralized procurement, and the process of controlling the issue of spare parts for repair were not automated at all. Company's management lacked analytics data in a range of sections.
The company needed a unified automated system for all its structural divisions and chose to implement 1C:ERP and 1C: Document Workflow with the inclusion of the following functional units: Document Workflow, Warehouses and Stocks, Vehicle Accounting, Payroll and Personnel, and Regulatory Accounting.
With the round-the-clock operation of vehicles and passenger services, the implementation was to be carried out in a short time and in the most comprehensive way, and the launch should be carried out without stopping daily processes. A large number of users and the amount of data to be processed required the creation of a complex server architecture.
Modern and powerful enterprise management
With the assistance of SoftBalance Group, a unified automated ERP and document management system was deployed across all of the company's structural divisions. Due to the shift from keeping records, calculating salaries, taxes, separate databases to using a unified system, the labor costs required for consolidated personnel accounting (10,200 employees) and for regulated reporting were reduced 20 times.
New system accelerated the process of gathering data on the availability and condition of vehicles by 25%. Comprehensive and up-to-date information on the rolling stock (more than 2000 vehicles) made it possible to make management decisions quickly and accurately.
Additionally, the effectiveness of the project can be illustrated by the following numbers:
Information on this page is from the 1C implementation base.
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